How Much Is Hesitating To Sell Your [market_city] House Really Costing You?
Hesitating to sell your house in Wilton can end up costing you a lot of money! Learn how much in our latest post!
Many people don’t realize just how much their home is costing them. These costs are even more brutal if you don’t like the home you’re living or the investment property you own. Spending thousands on a house each month that isn’t right for you simply doesn’t make sense. Keep reading to explore just a few of the costs you are stuck with by hesitating to sell your house in Wilton!
Your Mortgage
The average mortgage in the USA costs homeowners $1,050 dollars each month. Over the course of several months, this can amount to thousands of dollars you are spending out of pocket just to continue with the purchase of a home that you may not be truly happy with. Why continue throwing your money at an unwanted property when you could be using it for something you truly love?
Homeowners Insurance
Depending on your property and where you live, your insurance rate can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars per year. When you add this to all the other costs you face as a homeowner, you may be surprised at how high your bills really are.
Property Taxes
As a homeowner, you are responsible for the property taxes for the home up until the day of closing. Keep in mind, property taxes vary widely by state, but you break it all down, you could be looking at a few hundred dollars each month. With a direct sale to [company], your tax obligation could end in a few days as opposed to months down the road.
Maintenance and Repairs
You may not realize what all those trips to Home Depot are costing you each month. Routine repairs, cleaning costs, and landscaping needs can all add up fast. The cost of repairs and regular maintenance is surprising to many homeowners, especially when they total everything up, seeing their costs in black and white. You might be very surprised to see how much you are really spending to own your house in Wilton.
Utility Bills & Other Fees
Whether you are living in the house or not, you will still be facing utility costs each month. Electricity, water, gas will all need to stay on until the property is sold. This could mean doubling your utility bills if you are living somewhere else. In addition to utilities, many homeowners have to pay HOA fees or property management costs.
Opportunity Loss
What are you missing out on by continuing to hold on to your unwanted property? You could miss out on your dream home or a more lucrative investment. If you decide to list your house in Wilton, the process can take months. Working with a real estate agent provides no guaranteed closing date. Even if your neighbor’s house sold quickly, yours could be on the market for months.
Frustration, Stress, and Anger
What’s the point in letting a frustrating house stress you out? Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations just because we have become so used to them. Maybe the roof always leaks or the house doesn’t stay warm in the winter. The truth is, you don’t have to deal with it anymore. With a direct sale to [company], you’ll be able to end all of your worries and frustrations regarding the property. You will be able to sell your house for a great price no matter what condition the house is in. You will immediately be able to end the stress, frustration, and anger so you can move on fast.